Crash Decking or Platform Decking, What is it?
Platform Decking, why do people call it crash decking?
Why do people use the words crash decking? what is safe about a crash?
The term crash decking implies there is going to be some kind of impact, crash or fall from height. As can be seen below, definitions of the word “crash” do not describe accurately what Platform Decking is and it’s function. Platform Decking is the correct term for a group of proprietary safety systems. Used in the construction industry to provide collective fall prevention and a safe working platform.
What does Crash mean?
History of the word crash
So we hope this helps to explain how the word “crash” doesn’t really describe what a Platform Decking System is. G&M Safe Deck Ltd providing safe conditions for those persons who rely on Platform Decking to protect them whilst working at height.
For sales, hire or training in Platform Decking please call 01606 834630. or contact us.